Author of the Quest for Shambhala series
Author of the Quest for Shambhala series
D. T. Angell
D. T. Angell

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The Stone Of Destiny - Part 2 Available Now

Both the Paperback and Kindle versions of D.T.Angell's second novel are now available on Amazon.

Paperback Edition Just Published

The paperback version of D. T. Angell's debut novel The Stone of Destiny - Part One is now available from the following retailers.

Amazon (all territories) - E-Book & Paperback
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Waterstones (UK) - Paperback Only
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Kindle Edition Available Now

D. T. Angell's debut novel The Stone of Destiny - Part One is available now for the Amazon Kindle. Click here to view.

Picture Gallery

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The Stone of Destiny Part 1 by D. T. Angell is now available on the Kindle Store.


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Jul 8, 2015
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Facebook Page Launched

Jun 19, 2014
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Stone of Destiny Part 1 Published!

May 29, 2014
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New Website Launched

May 9, 2014
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